Used Medical Equipment

Interested in USED or REFURBISHED devices?

Send us your clinic name and phone number, and tell us which device and how much you're willing to pay so we can contact you as soon as a device becomes available in your price range. Simple right?

NOTE: We offer aftermarket warranties on the DND only.

Trade-In & Trade-Up!

We pride ourselves on our extensive database of medical providers, which contains over 20,000 professionals who frequently visit our site. These providers are always on the lookout for new or used equipment, and our platform serves as a trusted marketplace where they can buy or sell with confidence. Our commitment to providing a user-friendly, reliable experience is what sets us apart from the competition. 

If you have a used medical device that you don't use or want a better warranty (especially a DND), let us know, it may be something we can help with. We can give you credit to upgrade or to something that we sell. 



or RENTAL for $499-Monthly


5-qty USED

 Call for Pricing


1-qty NIB BAYER DCA 2000+

Price: $499


DTC helps clinics sell their used medical equipment for a flat rate and may offer a trade-in value for a NEW piece of equipment based on the age and conditions of the used equipment. We can also help sell you equipment:  CLINIC seller to a CLINIC buyer, and both parties may speak with each other without a middleman. List your used equipment for $499 for up to 12-months or $99 monthly (until it sells).

Pay $499 for up to 12 months or pay $99 monthly (until it sells)

NOTE: New and used equipment also applies as a tax credit when purchased.