#1 Supplement that Scientific Thinking Can Offer
for Nerve Health
by A. Vinik MD PhD FCP FACP
People with diabetes are living longer, healthier lives with fewer complications thanks to technological advances, early interventions, and evidence-based supplements like those by Dr. A. Vinik MD, PhD.
NutriNerve® is an all-natural supplement that helps the body repair itself on a cellular level and was formulated by the internationally renowned endocrinologist and leading expert on diabetic neuropathy, Aaron Vinik MD PhD FCP FACP. For more about Dr. Vinik’s groundbreaking work, see the detailed information at the bottom of this page.
😊 Neuropathy Relief
12:30 Minutes
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Discover New Solutions
NutriNerve® is a Proprietary Formula for a Healthier Nervous System*
After many decades of scientific research in diabetic neuropathy, Dr. Vinik demonstrated that damaged nerves might be regenerated with the proper nutrients, so he developed, NutriNerve® (nutrients for nerves) to be the best that scientific thinking can offer for neuropathy.
NutriNerve® was created to provide physicians and clinicians with the leading all-natural antioxidant supplement for relief from all forms of painful neuropathy. Dr. Vinik's proprietary formula helps the body heal itself, thereby reducing the suffering that patients experience with neuropathic pain.
After 2 months of taking NutriNerve® I have seen about a 40% improvement in all my Neuropathy symptoms. - Robert Sherman MD
NutriNerve® was created to provide nutrients to nerves and reduce pain and inflammation, such as:
Stabbing pains in the feet (foot neuropathy)
Numbness/insensitivity to touch or pain
Burning sensations in the feet, hands, and/or lower legs
Extreme sensitivity to touch
Sharp pains or cramps
Loss of Balance or Coordination
NutriNerve® Ingredients & Clinical References Below (click dropdown)
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) has been shown in placebo-controlled randomized studies to improve diabetic neuropathy symptoms. In the SYDNEY 2 trial, there was demonstrated to be a 52% decrease in the amount of pain experienced (including stabbing pain, burning pain, paresthesia, and asleep numbness of the feet) after five weeks of 600 mg ALA [i]. The results of this four-year study show clinically meaningful improvement and delay in the progression of diabetic neuropathy. ALA is also attributed to improving blood flow via vasodilation of the brachial artery [ii].
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Effect of 4-Year Antioxidant Treatment with [alpha]-Lipoic Acid in Diabetic Polyneuropathy: The NATHAN 1 Trial ADA Scientific Session – Oral Presentation 2007.
Oral treatment with alpha-lipoic acid improves symptomatic diabetic polyneuropathy: the SYDNEY 2 trial. Diabetes Care. 2006 Nov;29(11):2365-70.
The Approach to the Management of the Patient with Neuropathic Pain 2010
Diabetic Neuropathies – Update on Definitions, Diagnostic Criteria, Estimations 2010
Predictors of alpha-lipoic acid treatment efficacy in diabetic polyneuropathy of the lower limbs. Ter Arkh. 2005;77(10):15-9.
Neuroprotection by alpha-lipoic acid in streptozotocin-induced diabetes.Biochemistry (Mosc). 2004 Sep;69(9):1001-5.
Effects of protein kinase Cbeta inhibition on neurovascular dysfunction in diabetic rats: interaction with oxidative stress and essential fatty acid dysmetabolism. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2002 Jul-Aug;18(4):315-23.
Effects of alpha-lipoic acid on neurovascular function in diabetic rats: interaction with essential fatty acids. Diabetologia. 1998 Apr;41(4):390-9.
Neuroprotection by the metabolic antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid. Free Radic Biol Med. 1997;22(1-2):359-78.
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) has been shown to restore nerve conduction velocity in animals that have had a 25% decrease in nerve conduction velocity due to diabetes [iii]. Additionally, it has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, stress, and premenstrual syndrome. GLA is derived from borage seed oil, which has been used to reduce pain and swelling, prevent heart disease, and even protect against stroke.
Gamma-Linolenic Acid (Borage Oil)
At low doses, a gamma-linolenic acid-lipoic acid conjugate is more effective than docosahexaenoic acid-enriched phospholipids in preventing neuropathy in diabetic rats. J Nutr. 2007 Feb;137(2):368-72.
Botanicals and dietary supplements in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2003 Jan-Feb;16(1):47-57.
Effects of protein kinase Cbeta inhibition on neurovascular dysfunction in diabetic rats: interaction with oxidative stress and essential fatty acid dysmetabolism. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2002 Jul-Aug;18(4):315-23.
Potential of Evening Primrose, Borage, Black Currant, and Fungal Oils in Human Health. Ann Nutr Metab. 2001;45(2):47-57.
Diabetic somatic polyneuropathy. Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and therapeutic concepts. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2000 Jun;68(6):278-88.
Beneficial effects of gamma linolenic acid supplementation on nerve conduction velocity, Na+, K+ ATPase activity, and membrane fatty acid composition in sciatic nerve of diabetic rats. J Nutr Biochem. 1999 Jul;10(7):411-20.
Effects of alpha-lipoic acid on neurovascular function in diabetic rats: interaction with essential fatty acids. Diabetologia. 1998 Apr;41(4):390-9.
Importance of Dietary Y-Linolenic Acid in Human Health and Nutrition. The Journal of Nutrition Vol. 128 No. 9 September 1998, pp. 1411-1414.
Effectiveness of natural oils as sources of gamma-linolenic acid to correct peripheral nerve conduction velocity abnormalities in diabetic rats: modulation by thromboxane A2 inhibition. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 1996 Sep;55(3):159-65.
Benfotiamine (Vitamin B-1) – A statistically significant (p = 0.0287) improvement in the neuropathy score was observed in a group given benfotiamine [iv]. It is often prescribed in Germany as a treatment for sciatica and other neuropathic pain complaints.
Benfotimine (Vitamin B1)
Diabetic neuropathy: new strategies for treatment. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007 Jun 26.
Benfotiamine relieves inflammatory and neuropathic pain in rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006 Jan 13;530(1-2):48-53.
Benfotiamine in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy–a three-week randomized, controlled pilot study (BEDIP study). Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Feb;43(2):71-7.
Effectiveness of different benfotiamine dosage regimens in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. Arzneimittelforschung. 1999 Mar;49(3):220-4.
Diabetic polyneuropathy treatment by milgamma-100 preparation. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1998;98(9):30-2.
A benfotiamine-vitamin B combination in treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 1996;104(4):311-6.
Vitamin D enhances the absorption of important minerals and specifically addresses the vitamin deficiency common to type 1 and 2 diabetes. It has been shown to reduce the severity of diabetic neuropathy. [vi]
Vitamin B-12 is important to the normal functioning of the nervous system, DNA synthesis and overall metabolism, and has been shown to relieve the symptoms of paraesthesia. Vitamin B-12 restores blood flow which produces myelin synthesis, a fatty substance that protects the nerve fibers. [vii]
NutriNerve® and Metanx® Comparison (click dropdown)
NutriNerve® and Metanx® Comparison
NutriNerve®: An Expert-Formulated OTC Supplement
NutriNerve® is an over-the-counter supplement crafted by the renowned endocrinologist Aaron Vinik MD PhD FCP FACP. This formulation combines key ingredients to support nerve health, including Lipoic Acid, Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), Benfotiamine, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-12 (Methylcobalamin), and Vitamin D. Developed for a broader audience, NutriNerve® is readily available without a prescription.
Key Features:
- Formulated by Dr. Aaron Vinik, an esteemed endocrinologist.
- Blend of ingredients aimed at supporting overall nerve health.
- Available over-the-counter (OTC) for convenient access.
- Small recompense for each bottle.
- Suitable for individuals seeking a supplement without the need for a prescription.
Metanx®: A Medical Food
Metanx® is a specialized medical food designed to address nutritional deficiencies associated with peripheral neuropathy. Its proprietary formulation typically includes active forms of certain B vitamins, such as L-methylfolate, methylcobalamin, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. These components are carefully chosen to support nerve health and function.
Key Features:
- Tailored for individuals with specific nutritional needs related to neuropathy.
- May include active forms of B vitamins crucial for nerve health.
- Requires a prescription and oversight from a healthcare professional.
- No recompense for each bottle.
- Formulated to address deficiencies associated with certain medical conditions.
Price Comparison: NutriNerve® vs. Metanx®
When considering options for supporting nerve health, cost is a crucial factor. Let's compare the pricing of Metanx and NutriNerve® to help you make an informed decision.
NutriNerve®: Expert-Formulated Affordability
- Approximate Cost: Priced at $50 per month supply.
- Considerations: NutriNerve® offers an expert-formulated blend of key ingredients at a more affordable price point. Developed by renowned endocrinologist Aaron Vinik MD PhD FCP FACP, NutriNerve® aims to provide comprehensive nerve health support accessible to a broader audience without needing a prescription.
Metanx®: Precision for Specific Needs
- Approximate Cost: Around $100 per month supply.
- Considerations: Metanx®, being a medical food, is specifically formulated to address nutritional deficiencies associated with conditions like peripheral neuropathy. Its precision comes with a higher price point, reflecting the tailored approach to meet specific medical needs.
Choosing Based on Affordability and Needs:
- NutriNerve®: An affordable yet expert-formulated supplement for those seeking overall nerve health support. The accessible pricing makes it an attractive option for individuals looking to maintain nerve well-being proactively.
- Metanx®: A higher-priced option tailored for individuals with specific medical conditions requiring targeted nutritional support. The cost reflects the precision and formulation expertise associated with medical foods.
Final Consideration:
When deciding between NutriNerve® and Metanx®, weighing your budget, specific health needs, and the precision required in nutritional support is essential. Both options offer unique advantages, and the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences, medical conditions, and budget considerations.
Always consult a healthcare professional to ensure the chosen supplement aligns with your health goals and overall well-being.
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Since I started NutriNerve® this is the longest I have been without the debilitating nerve pain and pins & needles (more like steak knives & forks) up and down the front of my thighs and NOTHING, not prescription pain medication, omega fish oils and many other herbal concoctions could touch the pain. Not like NutriNerve®. Can’t live without it! -T. Wilson
What Causes Neuropathy?
Neuropathic pain is a result of diseased nerves and is not the result of trauma or injury, and it cannot be treated in the same way as normal pain. Dr. Vinik has determined that much of the pain that patients suffering from neuropathic pain and peripheral nerve damage experience is the result of oxidative stress. The nutrients in NutriNerve® work at the cellular level to reduce this oxidative stress and decrease the pain and inflammation that it produces.
Approximately 60% of neuropathy cases are diabetes-related, and about 25% of neuropathy cases are considered idiopathic, which means they are of unknown cause.
Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy
I had neuropathy in my legs and feet and could barely walk. Dr. Vinik did several things to help me and one recommendation was to take NutriNerve®. It helped my nerve endings and I still take it to protect them. Today, I can walk, run and wear high heels! - K. Roach
The remaining cases of neuropathy, called acquired neuropathies, have several possible causes, including:
Trauma or pressure on nerves, often from a cast or crutch or repetitive motion such as typing on a keyboard
Nutritional problems and vitamin deficiencies, often from a lack of B vitamins.
Alcoholism, often through poor dietary habits and vitamin deficiencies
Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome
Tumors, which often press up against nerves
Other diseases and infections, such as kidney disease, liver disease, Lyme disease, HIV/AIDS, or underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
Inherited disorders (hereditary neuropathies), such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and amyloid polyneuropathy
Poison exposure from toxins such as heavy metals and certain medications
Cancer treatments such as Chemotherapy (Chemo-Induced)
Certain kinds of Cancer
I am a firm believer in NutriNerve®. Since I was put on NutriNerve® by my physician, my neuropathy is greatly improved with less numbness and more hot and cold sensation in my feet. - J. Thompson
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can take NutriNerve®?
NutriNerve® is recommended for adults age 18 and over and is not recommended for children under the age of 18 or if you are pregnant or nursing.
Can I take NutriNerve® with prescriptions?
While NutriNerve® is a dietary supplement and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, it can be taken as a supplement to and in conjunction with prescriptive treatments to deliver added benefit.
How soon may I see results using NutriNerve®?
Results will depend on your age, gender, weight, height, physical characteristics, diet, and exercise. However, patients report seeing benefits in as soon as 2 months, but at least 4-6 months of uninterrupted use is necessary to gain all of the benefits.
Can I deduct NutriNerve® from my taxes?
Yes, you may deduct the cost as a medical deduction only if your medical provider recommends NutriNerve® to treat a specific medical condition.*
Dr. Aaron Vinik MD PhD FCP FACP is internationally renowned for his research in the areas of hormone-secreting tumors and the chronic complications of diabetes, Dr. Vinik has been invited to present his work all over the world. Recognized as a pioneer and scholar, Dr. Vinik has written eight books and has published more than 450 scientific papers in medical journals, including Diabetes Care, International Journal of Endocrinology, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Diabetologia, Reviews in Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Dr. Vinik has received numerous accolades throughout his career from the American College of Physicians, American Diabetes Association, Southern Medical Association, Royal College of Physicians, Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition, and the International Diabetes Federation. Dr. Vinik has received research funding for his studies from the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute, the Kroc Foundation, and the American Diabetes Association. He is a leader in research on the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic neuropathy. He has particular expertise in the area of autonomic diabetic neuropathy, a complex and challenging condition.
Dr. Aaron I. Vinik, MD, PhD, was a prolific contributor to the field of endocrinology, authoring over 600 peer-reviewed research articles, 11 books, and 140 chapters throughout his distinguished career. Given the extensive volume of his work, a comprehensive chronological list of all his publications is beyond the scope of this response. However, here are several notable publications:
"Diabetic Neuropathies: Clinical Manifestations and Current Treatment Options" (2005) – This article provides an in-depth analysis of the various forms of diabetic neuropathy and discusses contemporary therapeutic approaches.
"Advances in Diabetes for the Millennium: New Treatments for Diabetic Neuropathies" (2009) – In this publication, Dr. Vinik explores emerging treatments for diabetic neuropathies, highlighting novel therapeutic strategies.
"The Role of Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Treatment in Experimental Diabetic Neuropathy" (2011) – This study examines the impact of oxidative stress on diabetic neuropathy and evaluates the efficacy of antioxidant treatments.
"Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy" (2013) – Dr. Vinik delves into the complexities of autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients, discussing pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management.
"Epidemiology of the Complications of Diabetes" (2015) – This publication provides a comprehensive overview of the prevalence and risk factors associated with various diabetic complications.
For a more extensive list of Dr. Vinik's publications, you may refer to his ResearchGate profile, which catalogs 716 of his works: Additionally, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) has published an in memoriam article honoring Dr. Vinik's contributions to endocrinology: