An A1cNOW+ is a single-use, disposable, and reimbursable point-of-care fingerstick blood test that measures diabetes (Prediabetes, Diabetes, and Gestational) in 5-minutes from an average blood glucose level over the past 3-months.
The relationship of individual comorbid chronic conditions to diabetes has reflected that obesity is related to a lack of A1c and BP control and of seventeen (17) conditions related to achieving control goals, sixteen (16) were related to achieving A1c control.
NEW HEDIS Measures
NEW HEDIS Measures for Comprehensive Diabetes Care (CDC) added the HbA1c test to determine the Control <8% and Poor Control >9% indicator. Comprehensive Diabetes Care/Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients With Diabetes, Eye Exam Performed for Patients With Diabetes, Blood Pressure for Patients With Diabetes. NCQA separated the indications into three (3 ) standalone measures:
HbA1c Control for Patients with Diabetes: Control <8 and Poor Control >9
Eye Exam Performed for patients with Diabetes and
Blood Pressure Control for patients with Diabetes
The A1CNow®+ system provides healthcare professionals with a reliable and accurate method for obtaining A1C results with just a fingerstick. This innovative technology instills confidence in clinicians, enabling them to engage in immediate, face-to-face discussions with patients about their diabetes control.
More efficient than a lab
Results in 5-minutes
Small (5 µL) blood sample
Portable – use in multiple exam rooms
Easy to use – minimal training required
Available in 20-count test configurations
No maintenance required
Reimbursement for A1C Testing
Step 1: Submit an application to apply for a CLIA Certificate of Waiver
The first step in receiving any Medicare reimbursement is to obtain a CLIA Certificate of Waiver. The physician’s office or laboratory will need to pay a fee to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) every two years and agree to follow the device manufacturer’s instructions for performing clinical tests.
Step 2: Submit the Appropriate CPT Codes
The following Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes are suggested for submitting tests performed with PTS Diagnostics products for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. These are suggested codes.
83036 QW — For professional use in the management of diabetes mellitus where regular determinations of blood glucose levels are required. Glycated hemoglobin assesses glycemic control over a period of approximately 120 days ($13 average)
36416 — Collection of capillary blood (Fingerstick) specimen ($3 average)
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